Offset Colorimeter


Geometry: 45/0

Measure index: RGB,Hex,Lab,LCh,HSB, LRV,CMYK(A,T,E,M), XYZ,Yxy,ΔE*ab,ΔE*cmc, ΔE*94,ΔE*00(CR10)

RGB,Hex,Lab,LCh,HSB,LRV,Spectral reflectance,HunterLab,CIE-Luv,
XYZ,Yxy,Color Difference (ΔE*ab,ΔE*cmc,ΔE*94,ΔE*00),Whiteness
(ASTM E313-00,ASTM E313-73,CIE/ISO,AATCC,Hunter,TaubeBerger-
Stensby),Yellowness(ASTM D1925,ASTM E313-00,ASTM E313-73),
Blackness(My,dM),Staining Fastness,Color Fastness,
Tint(ASTM E313-00),Color Density CMYK(A,T,E,M),Metamerism Index
Milm,Munsell,Opacity,Color Strength (CR20/CR30)

Light Source:LED (Full Wavelength Balanced LED Light Source)
Measure Aperture:4mm
Wavelength Interval 10nm: 10nm
Wavelength Range: 400nm-700nm

Repeatability: ΔE*00≤0.1 / ΔE*00≤0.05
Inter-instrument agreement: ΔE*00<0.5/ ΔE*00<0.4

Measurement Accuracy: 0.1/ 0.01
Measure Time: 1.0s
Interface: USB,Bluetooth
Illuminants: A,B,C,D50,D55,D65,D75,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12,CWF,U30,U35,DLF,NBF,TL83,TL84
Observer: 2°,10°
Display Screen: No screen   / IPS Full Color Screen(135*240,1.14inch)
Battery: Rechargeable,5,000 continuous tests / Rechargeable,10,000 continuous tests
Language: Chinese ,English
Calibration: Automatic Calibration
Software supported: Andriod,IOS,Windows
Weight: About 75g
Size: Diameter:33mm,Height:84mm
Storage: APP mass storage


  • Automatic calibration, one-key measurement, get results in 1s
  • Adopt 45°/0 geometry that is more in line with the color evaluation
    by the human eye
  • Can be used standalone or connect to App
  • Software supported: Android, iOS, Windows QC software
  • Magnetic calibration box
  • Lipstick-size, more convenient to carry


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